Dr. Hemant Kumar (Occupational Therapist Greater Noida West)
Dr. Hemant Kumar Is A Registered Occupational Therapist With Strong Educational Background From The Highest Rated Occupational Therapy In The Nation. Expertise Spans The Range Of Neurological Rehab , ADL Training, Stroke And Cerebral Palsy, Gross Motor And Fine Motor Hand Functions, Cognitive Re-Training, Genetic Disorder, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Professional Experience
- Daycare & Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre, IHBAS
- Navchetna Halfway Home for Mentally ill patients, GNCTD
- Neuro-Rehabilitation Unit, PDDUNIPPD
- Dept. of Orthopaedics, DDU Hospital
- PMR Dept, Safderjung Hospital
Area of Expertise
- Neurological Rehabilitation
- ADL Training
- Gait Training
- Bed Mobility
- Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
- Return to work
- Cerebral palsy
- Autism
- Post stroke rehabilitation
- Standardized Assessment
Member / Membership
- Member: All India Occupational Therapists Association -Membership No- L-7208/2024
- Indian Occupational Therapy Registeration No. 07942
- Member of Delhi Council of PT & OT No. OT-682